As I said in my last post, I was going to 'attempt' Baking Bite'sBaklava Loaf. Attempt. Key word. Yep. It started off fine...

I combined my cinnamon, ground cardamom, brown sugar, ground walnuts and almonds to make an extremely yummy smelling filling. So far so good!

Then why, you may ask, is my husband holding oven cleaner over bits of tarred crusty things on the stove?
We all know that women are, or at least like to think they are, the queens of multitasking. It is supposedly embedded in our genes from the womb. Why else would one of my best friends from home have a bumper sticker on her car that says, "Caution: Driver applying makeup." ?
As my honey syrup was left to boil for five minutes, I busied myself around the kitchen getting into Aurora mode, singing and tidying minus the harmonizing birds and other forest creatures. I heard the 'ssssssssizzle' in the background and the air quickly went from Disney-like to rated R. Needless to say, I had to open every window and door in the house to air it out. Luckily my husband was not actually home at this time, but unluckily he came home to a very grumpy wife. Not only did I lose some syrup, but I discovered a fan oven is hotter than a normal oven.

The top browned quite quickly, and was very hard when I took it out. I still pierced it, quite a bit as I don't have a very large one, and poured over what syrup I did have left. It was very thin at the end, and I'm not sure if it should have been more like actual honey? Some absorbed, but not a whole lot. Overall, it didn't taste terrible, but the texture was a bit harder than I'd imagined. I'll just have to try it again!
At least Starshine's Moroccan Roasted Mackerel turned to be divine. He even cooked the entire Sunday Lunch yesterday! He is a budding Gordon Ramsay, and I am Lucille Ball of the kitchen. We're a perfect match!
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